Sports, Fitness and Coaching

Baseball Pitcher, Little League Championship- Tommy Mather and Grover Bradley.

Created and Developed ACES Vollyball Program for adults with Ridgecrest Parks and Recreation Dept.

Coached tennis, basketball, and vollyball at Cerro Coso and Victor Valley Colleges.

Raquetball- NWC base Champion.  Played in Senior Olympics in Utah, 2019.

Second place in state..... Victor Valley College tennis doubles.  See article below..

In-Shape Fitness classes- zumba, yoga.

Biking- Vary seldom used car.  Rode his bike to and from work at China Lake every day

He was ambidextrous which helped him in sports.

Hiked Rim to Rim- Grand Canyon.

Skydiving at Lake Elsinore, CA. Another "high" point in Shane's life 2001.